How we increased sales in high season for an online store of seeds and fertilizers.

Online store of seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products

Project`s goals

Project`s goals

The customers request was to increase sales of his products and attract more potential buyers, given the high competition in the height of the season. The website has not been advertised before.


What was done

This niche is highly competitive, seasonal. Before launching advertising, we studied the client's business in detail, conducted an in-depth analysis of the client's website and competitors. On the basis of analysis was built the strategy of the advertising campaign and the main competitive advantages of this online store.
Has been created a Google Ads account, semantics has been collected, and several search campaigns have been set up separately for each product group using the SKAg (Single Keyword AdGroup) strategy, which has allowed us to simplify the analytics process and manage our advertising budget more flexibly. We developed creative ads in several versions and ads extensions (location, phone numbers, additional links, clarifications (advantages), structured descriptions (product description); configured analytics and goals to track the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and actions of potential buyers, connected Google Ads and Analytics account, ad groups cross-reduction (adding additional negative keywords to keyword phrases that exclude impressions between these keyword phrases) to increase ad accuracy. In parallel, we launched a DSA search campaign, the essence of which is DSA allows you to increase conversions and reach users who aren't already covered by regular search advertising.
In addition to search campaigns, media ads with a focus on promotions and special offers were set up.
Target audiences of interested buyers and remarketing were used.
To automate routine tasks, we created and connected a script for the balance of funds in the account.
Formed reporting.
We conducted various tests and experiments aimed at increasing conversions, improving the overall results of the advertising campaign and reducing the cost of attracting customers: tested the relevance of keywords - which works better, launched experimental campaigns with changing bidding strategies and DSA campaigns.
Search and banner ads
Result for a month
0 %
conversion rate


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